Support Business Growth

Increase Attainable Housing Options

Housing is a frequent topic of discussion, and given my background in teaching real estate, I understand its significance:

Community Desire:

  • People want a space they can truly call home, where they have the freedom to personalize without constraints.

Mayor's Vision:

  • Facilitate homeownership for as many residents as possible.

  • Promote accessory dwelling units and explore opportunities for smaller lot sizes.

  • Advocate for zoning that supports starter homes, making them accessible to more people.

My aim is to create a community where everyone has the chance to own a home that suits their needs and aspirations.

Develop Business Support Toolbox

Upon joining the council, I recognized the importance of specialization:

Primary Focus:

  • Concentrated on economic development and supporting businesses.

Business Toolkit Initiative:

  • Developed a toolkit to assist business owners in identifying and addressing gaps in their operations.

  • Provides resources and contacts to help them overcome challenges.

Mayor's Commitment:

  • Continue backing businesses, both through the toolkit and direct support.

  • Advocate for business growth and offer consistent assistance.

Support Francis Benjamin for Mayor of Pullman and let's collaboratively build a thriving community.

Strengthen Legislative Advocacy

Strengthening legislative advocacy is crucial for Pullman's growth and development:


  • Pullman's progress is influenced by decisions at both the state and federal levels.

Funding Challenges:

  • Many projects, like the recent airport development, require funds beyond local capacity.

  • Our town's bus system, for instance, relies heavily on state and federal funding to maintain its high-quality service.

Legislative Advocacy's Role:

  • Essential for the mayor to establish strong connections with legislative and congressional delegations.

  • Collaborate with various agencies to achieve our city's goals.

As both a city council member and mayor, I prioritize building these vital relationships to ensure Pullman's continued success.